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O "argumento" do infinito é um argumento contra a existência de Deus provavelmente criado por Dhorpatan (canal) no YouTube, um usuário do YouTube. Ao contrário da forma normal dos argumentos (com premissas e uma conclusão lógica), o argumento apresentado começa com a pergunta "Deus é infinito?" que deve ser direcionada a um cristão e, após as respostas "sim" ou "não" serem dadas, o argumento tenta mostrar que independente de Deus ser infinito ou não é meramente impossível que Deus exista, i.e., em ambos os casos.


O argumento pode ser disposto de algumas maneiras distintas.


O vídeo no qual o argumento foi originalmente publicado o dispõe da seguinte maneira:

  • Deus é infinito?
Se não

Se Deus não é infinito, então Deus não é sem-começo e, logo, necessita de uma causa, refutando ele mesmo já que, por definição, Deus não pode ser dependente de algo algo além de si mesmo. Logo, ele não pode ser a primeira causa , já que um Deus não-infinito é limitado e assim submetido ao regresso infinito.

Se sim

Então Deus não existe, uma vez que o infinito não pode subsistir dentro do Universo.

  • Há três possíveis respostas para esta última afirmação:
    1. Deus é espírito, e portanto não está laçado à realidade de entidades não-espirituais
    2. Deus criou o Universo, logo ele não está sob as leis que regem o Universo e suas limitações
    3. Deus está fora do Universo, e logo não está sob as realidades às quais as coisas dentro do Universo estão submissas

O lado de detalhes do vídeo mostra os seguintes comentários:

How to prove God doesn't exist, in 3 minutes or less! (See side panel for a synopsis of this proof) The synopsis: The videos core, is that it starts with the salient question "Is your God Infinite", and draws powerful conclusions from that. Whatever God you believe in, or want to put this proof to the test on, we start with that question. If you answer the question "NO", my God is not Infinite, your God is refuted and disproved because of the following reasons:

  1. It is refuted, because, not being Infinite, your God is contingent, and therefore superfluous. It is against Occam's Razor to make up a God, to explain things, when that God, being contingent, needs to be explained as well. That multiplies explanations beyond logical parsimony.
  2. It is disproved, because a supernatural entity, of which Gods are by definition, if finite, are subject to Infinite regress, which is self-refuting. Non-supernatural entities are not subject to infinite regress, because existence is conceptually irreducible.
  3. If you say your god is finite, then your God is disproved because it can't be called a God. Gods are by definition, supernatural, but finitude is of the natural world. So, saying your God is finite, means it can't even be called a God. Not only that, but the concept would be further self refuting, because, if finite things can be called God, then the entire God concept is impossibly incoherent, since everything in the natural world. including yourself as a human, can be called God!!

If you answer the question "YES", my God is Infinite, your God is disproved because of the following reason:

  1. An actual Infinity is impossible.
  2. An actual Infinity commits the fallacy of the floating abstraction, which makes it illegitimate.


  • Why is an actual Infinity Impossible?

Because an actual Infinity violates the Law of Identity. Existence is by nature, limitation. To exist, is to be something specific. An Infinity is unlimited, which means, it's nothing in particular. Something that is nothing in particular, has no Identity. Therefore, it doesn't exist.

What is your definition of Infinity?

(A) Something that is not finite in any way, shape, or form. or

(B) Having no limits or boundaries in time or space or extent or magnitude; What logical support do you have for claiming the Universe is everything that exists, and that the Universe is existence? There are several reasons why the Universe is everything that exists, mainly based on Quantum Mechanics and measurement Omission. That may be too complicated and involved for the average person, so I will stick to the two main, and more straight forward reasons:

(1) The Universe is supported by several credible sources as being by definition, everything that exists. If I see your query, and time permits, these sources are available from me, upon request, to your YouTube inbox.

(2) To say that something can exist outside the Universe, is to commit the fallacy of the stolen concept. The Universe is that which contains existence(things that exist). To claim that something exists outside of the Universe, is to steal the concept of existence, and apply to something external to itself. Which is fallacious, since one could only appeal to existence again, REDUNDANTLY!

Therefore, the Universe is everything that exists, thus by corollary, it is existence, since that adheres to the Law of Identity. Why? Because the Universe is the sum total of all "extants". To say that the Universe is not by corollary existence, is to say that that which has the quality of existence, is not by implication, existence itself in total, which is invalid.

MOST COMMON REBUTTALS NOT COVERED IN THE VIDEO: Appeal to Ridicule: Scores of people try to refute the video, by making fallacious attempts to mock the cognitive reach, or cognitive comprehension, and understanding of myself, or mankind, as a way to smuggle the God concept from rational scrunity, logic, and falsification. This is fallacious, and thus, it is worthless Intellectually. It's also disgusting, since you would rather mock, and insult the Intellectual ability of humanity, rather than admit your God, or the God concept, is erroneous, and un-real.

It's a strawman argument: No, it's not a strawman argument of your God, or any God, since the video is not TELLING you how your God is. Indeed, it's giving you two options, and drawing powerful conclusions from both options.

Usando-se do texto original, pode-se esquematizar o argumento de duas maneiras:

  1. Se Deus existe, ou ele é infinito, ou não é infinito.
  2. Deus não pode ser finito.
  3. Deus não pode ser infinito.
  4. Logo, Deus não existe.
  1. Todas as coisas que existem firmam ligações com as demais coisas que existem.
  2. Logo, se Deus existe, ele possui alguma ligação com o tempo.
  3. Nessa ligação, Deus pode ser infinito ou finito.
  4. Deus não é nem infinito ou finito em relação ao tempo.
  5. Logo, Deus não pode existir.


Argumentos contra o Teísmo